Bechdel Bot


Hi! Welcome to Bechdel Bot!

In case you wonder what it is and what do you need it for, Bechdel Bot is based on the Bechdel Test created by American cartoonist Alison Bechdel in 1985. The test measures the representation of women in film according to the following criterion: the movie has to have at least two women in it, who talk to each other about something besides a man. The test brings attention to gender inequality in fiction and has become the standard by which feminist critics judge television, movies, books, and other media.

But how does the Bechdel Bot work?

It's simple. Just type the name of the movie in the chat window and you'll get an answer if the movie is sexist or not.

But there's more! The bot can also provide you with basic info about the movie, the plot, or even tell you if the movie is worth watching. Have fun!


Hall of Fame

Here are some movies with a high Bechdel score. Slay! ;)

"Hidden Figures" (2016)
"Frozen" (2013)
"Little Women" (2019)
"Legally Blonde" (2001)
"American Pie 2" (2001)

Hall of Shame

Here are some movies that don't pass the Bechdel Test... :(

"The Avengers" (2012)
"The Shining" (1980)
"Star Wars: Return of the Jedi" (1983)
"The Lord of the Ring" (2001)
"Shrek" (2001)